So the old rotten wood was gone,
and I replaced it with new. Nice new heating registers, too.
Not much wall to rebuild; it was all glass under a big header.
Look at all of the light they let in!
I bravely cut holes in the roof...
Later, I installed the electric sky-lights. They remained open all summer to let the hot air escape.
We couldn't vault the whole cieling, so I built lightwells inder each skylight. It's easier to see once the insulation goes in.
Now it just looks like lincoln logs on acid.
Lifting the french doors into their openings was easy work for two stron, young (sic) men.
Well, it wasn't that hard.
And there was the refrig full of beer to look forward to.
It's almost straight!
Strong like bull (did you say chicken legs?)
Now, onward to the back of the hosue. No rotten wood here.
New sliding doors and a big picture window to go over the kitchen counter.
From the outside...
Sliding doors are in.
At least these openings were right in the master bedroom.